How to learn SWIFT?
Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, object-oriented language developed by Apple Inc.
Swift is used in building ios, MacOS, etc. Swift is an enterprise-ready, safe, and secure language.
Today, companies like Apple, Uber, Slack, CRED, etc use Swift.
Now, let’s dive deep into the roadmap of Swift.
Begin with its installation on your system. Learn about basic syntax, data types, variables, constants, tuples, and operators.
Understand the concept of decision-making, loops, and functions.
Learn characters, arrays, strings, sets, dictionaries, and closures.
Move on to the concept of enumeration, structures, classes, and properties.
We are halfway done with it. Learn methods, subscript, inheritance, initialization, and deinitialization.
Understand some more interesting and important concepts. Learn about ARC overview, optional chaining, typecasting, extensions, and protocols.
Learn generics and access control.
Whoa! We are done with Swift. Try building projects using swift to get better at it.