How to learn SCALA?
Scala which stands for Scalable Language is a modern multi-paradigm language used for various purposes.
It is highly influenced by Java. Scala was released in 2003.
Today, Scala is used by many companies like LinkedIn, Netflix, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.
Now, let’s get on the road to learn Scala.
Start with its installation in your system. Learn about its basic syntax, data types, variables, and operators.
Once done with the above. Understand the concept of classes, objects, access modifiers, and closures.
Move on to some more important and interesting concepts. Learn about decision-making statements, loops, functions, arrays, and strings.
Understand the concept of collections, traits, and pattern matching.
Almost done with Scala. Learn regex, exception handling, extractors, and file I/O.
Whoa! We just finished our roadmap of Scala. Keep practicing regularly to become fluent in it.