R language Roadmap

How to learn R?

R is an open-source programming language that is used as statistical software. It is used for the purpose of data analysis also. It generally comes with a Command-line interface and is available on all types of operating systems.

It’s stable release was in the year 2000 and now is maintained by R development core team.

R programming language has a vast community, gets easily integrated with other languages and is patform independent.

Now, let’s dive deep into the roadmap of R.


Begin with its installation on your PC. Learn its basic syntax, data types, variables, and constants.


Once you are done with everything mentioned above. Start learning about operators, decision making statements, functions, and loops.


Understand the concepts of vectors, strings, lists, arrays, and matrices.


Move to some more important topics. Learn about factors, packages, data frames, and data reshaping.


We are halfway done with R now. Learn about handling CSV files, Excel files, Binary files, XML files, and JSON files.


Understand the concept of web data and databases.


Today’s actions are tomorrow’s results. Understand charts and graphs. Learn pie charts, bar charts, line charts, box plots, histograms, and scatterplots.


R is a language used for statistics and mathematical operations. Learn about mean, median, & mode, linear regression, multiple regression, logistic regression, poisson regression, normal distribution, and binomial distribution.


Understand analysis of covariance, time series analysis, and survival analysis.


Learn Nonlinear least square, decision tree, random forest, and chi test square.


Yahoo! We just completed our roadmap with R. Keep practising regularly to get a better grasp at it.