How to learn HIBERNATE?
Hibernate is a java based framework which provides an abstraction layer, which implies that programmer doesn’t have to worry about the implementations, hibernate does that for programmer like establashing a connection with database and writing queries to perform CRUD operations, etc.
Hibernate was released in May 2001.
Hibernate is an open source framework which is light weighted and non invasive.
Now, let’s begin our journey on the path to learn Hibernate.
Prerequisites: Before we start learning Hibernate, it is advised to go through Java programming and have some knowledge about database, JDBC, and SQL.
Begin with understanding the concept of Hibernate-ORM and JDBC. Get familiar with Hibernate.
Learn about it’s architecture, environment setup, configuration, and sessions.
Understand the concepts of persistent classes, mapping files & types, and O / R mappings.
We are halfway done with it. It is time to learn some more interesting concepts. Learn annotations, query language, and criteria queries.
Learn native SQL, caching, batch processing, and interceptors.
We are done with Hibernate. Keep building projects using Hibernate to strengthen your skill.
It’s completely your choice and interest what you choose.