Django Roadmap

How to learn DJANGO?

Django is a python based framework for creating web applications. Django gives you ready-made components such as a management panel, a way for user authentication for your website. Django was released in 2005.

It is used on many popular sites such as Instagram, Mozilla, National Geographic, etc.

Django has many features like easy-to-switch databases, a built-in admin interface, thousands of additional packages, and scalability which makes it very popular.

Now let's start learning Django with our roadmap.

Prerequisites: Before we start, you must understand procedural and object-oriented programming.


Begin with understanding the basics of Django. Install Django in your system and set the environment for it.


Learn about app life cycle, admin interface, creating views, and URL mapping.


Grasp concepts like template system, models, and page redirection.


Move on to some more important topics. Learn about generic views, form processing, and file uploading.


A few important and advanced topics and we will be done with it. Learn about apache setup, cookies handling, sessions, and caching.


Learn about Django-RSS and Django-AJAX.


Yippie! We are done with Django now. Keep developing projects using Django to maintain fluency in it.

It’s completely your choice and interest what you choose.