How to learn C++?
C++ is a general-purpose language that was developed as an enhancement of the C language to include the object-oriented feature. It is a mid-level language that helps in both systems programming (drivers, kernels, networking, etc.) and building large scale user-applications.
C++ is quite popular among developers as it has a wide range of libraries, is fast, and has object-oriented support.
Learning C++ doesn’t require any prior knowledge of the C language though it would be an advantage if you have already programmed in C language.
So, let’s get on the path of learning C++.
Start with learning the fundamentals of C++, the basic syntax of the language, data types, variables, and storage classes.
Once everything mentioned above is completed start with operators, decision-making statements, loops, and functions.
learn strings, arrays, pointers, and references. These are some important concepts in C++.
We are done with a lot of basics of now. It’s time to start learning a few advanced topics. Start with learning Classes and objects, basic Input/Output.
Whoa! We are halfway done with C++. Now is the time to go a little deep into some very important concepts. Start with learning OOPs concept i.e. Inheritance, overloading, polymorphism, data abstraction, data encapsulation, interfaces, and files and streams.
Doing code every day is the secret sauce of becoming an excellent programmer. Learn exception handling, dynamic memory, namespaces, preprocessors, multithreading.
Just one more step and you will become an expert in C++. Learn web programming, STL tutorials, and standard libraries.
C++ is used for multiple purposes. C++ is good for developing applications as well as competitive coding.
If you want to move further into the development field with C++ then start making applications.
If you want to do competitive coding with C++ then start learning and implementing data structures and algorithms.