.NET Roadmap

How to learn ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a web application framework developed by Microsoft. It is open-source and a subset of the .NET platform. It is based on a common language runtime (CLR) that allows programmers to write code in .NET languages ​​(C#, VB, etc.).

It is mainly used to create dynamic web pages, web applications, websites, and web services.

ASP.NET is very popular among programmers because it is faster than other .NET frameworks, very easy to use on all operating systems, and because ASP.NET allows you to write internal code in C#.

Now let's begin our ASP.NET learning journey.

Prerequisites: Before we start learning ASP.NET, you should have basic knowledge of .NET programming, and since we are going to learn web application development you must be familiar with other technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, etc.


Start with getting familiar with .NET framework and ASP.NET. Learn all the basic models and components of ASP.NET. Also Set up the environment for ASP.NET on your computer.


Once you are done with the basics of ASP.NET begin learning concepts like life cycle, event handling, server-side, server and basic controls.


learn directives, managing states, validators, and database access. These are some important concepts in ASP.NET.


Now, we are done with a lot of basics and it is time to start learning a few more complex topics like ad rotators, multi views, panel controls, and ajax controls.


Whoa! We have come halfway with ASP.NET. Now is the time to go a little deep into some important topics. Start with learning data sources, data binding, custom control, personalization, error handling, and debugging.


Strive for progress, not perfection. Make sure to keep making progress throughout your course. Learn linq, security, data caching, and web services.


Learn about multithreading, configuration, and deployment.


Hurray! We are done with it. Start building projects using ASP.NET to get a better grip on it.

It’s completely your choice and interest what you choose.